Should you be using video marketing? Well the short answer is, it’s 2024, so YES! In the ever-evolving world of digital marketing, video content has emerged as a dominant force. Its dynamic nature and ability to engage viewers make it a powerful tool for brands...
Healthcare Influencer Marketing – Introduction to Influencers in Mental Health In today’s digital age, social media has become a powerful tool for raising awareness and promoting various causes. One area where social media has made a significant impact is...
Storytelling in Healthcare & Mental Healthcare – An Introduction Storytelling has been part of human communication for centuries. It’s a way to share knowledge, values, and experiences. In mental health, storytelling is even more significant. It...
Introduction to the Dos & Don’ts of Google Ads for Therapists & Mental Health Practices Digital Marketing’s Role in Mental Health Services In today’s fast-paced world, maintaining mental health has become as crucial as physical health, yet...
Introduction to Therapist Burnout Therapist burnout is a real issue in the mental health field. It’s when therapists feel exhausted, start to lose interest in their work, and may even feel like they’re not making a difference anymore. This can happen...
LMR Digital Marketing provides marketing services to mental and behavioral healthcare companies. We bring patient leads to you on an efficient and consistent basis.
At LMR, our passion for mental health is reflected in our work. We strive to create work that not only looks visually stunning but also helps to promote overall mental wellness. By working with brands that share our dedication to the well-being of others, we are able to use our creativity and expertise to make a positive impact on people’s lives. We take pride in the fact that our marketing efforts help to connect those in need with the mental healthcare services that can help them. We are grateful to be able to use our skills to make a difference in the world and improve the lives of others.