In-House Marketing vs Specialized Marketing Agency When deciding if you want to hire an in-house marketing specialist or outsource to a professional marketing agency, read our take below. The Digital Marketing Landscape in 2025 Digital marketing is...
How To Market A Therapy Practice In the digital age, marketing via word of mouth isn’t enough to compete with the practices in your area. When people who are struggling search to find a therapy practice, you want to show up right when they need you. Marketing...
An Introduction to WordPress SEO for Beginners Search Engine Optimization can be intimidating with over a billion other websites on the internet competing alongside yours, but if you ever hope to come out on top you have to start somewhere. Here are tips on SEO for...
Top 5 Ways To Get More Patients Into Your Practice If you’ve started your own practice in the healthcare industry, you’ll know that the competition is rife, and although you all have the same end-goal of helping people, it’s still every practice for themselves. You...
Introduction to Lead Nurturing Are you finding it tough to convert leads into actual clients or patients for your healthcare or mental health practice? You’re not alone. Many providers focus heavily on generating leads but overlook the critical step of nurturing those...
In the digital realm of LMR, two marketers connected over a video call, their screens sharing glimpses of the newest client brief – RAR Mental Health Counseling.With RAR’s compelling mission to craft an inclusive space, they weren’t just another therapy...
LMR Digital Marketing provides marketing services to mental and behavioral healthcare companies. We bring patient leads to you on an efficient and consistent basis.
At LMR, our passion for mental health is reflected in our work. We strive to create work that not only looks visually stunning but also helps to promote overall mental wellness. By working with brands that share our dedication to the well-being of others, we are able to use our creativity and expertise to make a positive impact on people’s lives. We take pride in the fact that our marketing efforts help to connect those in need with the mental healthcare services that can help them. We are grateful to be able to use our skills to make a difference in the world and improve the lives of others.