chatgpt prompts for marketing

The Best ChatGPT Prompts for Marketing 

ChatGPT can be an incredible tool for marketing. But using ChatGPT can go a few ways. You can get actually amazing ideas and content. Or you get garbage that is clearly AI generated.

The difference often starts with the prompts. So what makes a good ChatGPT prompt? We’re looking at some real examples and showing you the best ChatGPT prompts for marketing. 

Introduction: What is ChatGPT? (Where have you been?)

Alright, folks, gather around—let’s talk about ChatGPT, the AI sensation sweeping the nation, the digital pal you never knew you needed, and perhaps the only entity more glued to a screen than you are on a Monday morning. If you haven’t heard of ChatGPT, I might ask if you’ve been enjoying your time under that rock—cozy, isn’t it? But fear not, we’re here to enlighten you, bring you into the fold, and maybe, just maybe, introduce you to your new best friend (sorry, human pals).

ChatGPT, in the simplest of terms, is like that friend who knows a little bit about everything. You know, the one you turn to when you need to settle a debate, learn something new, or just when you need someone to listen. It’s a conversational AI developed by some really smart cookies over at OpenAI, and it’s been trained on a treasure trove of information from the web. So, whether you’re looking for a deep dive into the existential musings of Nietzsche or just want to know how to boil an egg, ChatGPT has got your back.

What is a ChatGPT Prompt? (Or, How to Talk to Your AI Business Partner)

Moving on to ChatGPT prompts—think of these as the magical words that unlock the treasure chest of ChatGPT’s capabilities. A prompt is essentially any piece of text you throw at ChatGPT to spark a response. But here’s the kicker: if you want to strike gold, you’ve got to dig a little. You can’t just mumble a few words and expect Pulitzer-worthy content to flow forth. No, sir!

Imagine ChatGPT as your ultra-capable, slightly quirky business partner. You wouldn’t toss a bunch of jumbled thoughts at them and expect brilliance, right? You’d come prepared, with clear, concise instructions and maybe a joke or two to keep things lively. The same goes for ChatGPT. Treat it with the respect and clarity a partner deserves, and you’ll be amazed at the insights, creativity, and downright useful content it can generate.

So, in a nutshell, crafting a ChatGPT prompt is like crafting a fine cocktail. It requires a blend of clarity, creativity, and just the right amount of flair. Give it something to work with, and watch as it mixes up something that might just surprise you. After all, a great partnership—whether with humans or AIs—is all about the give and take, the banter, and, most importantly, the mutual respect. Cheers to that!

The Art of Mastering ChatGPT Prompts: Why Bother?

Now, why on Earth would we need to finesse our way into the heart of ChatGPT with well-crafted prompts, you ask? ChatGPT’s capabilities are vast, akin to an iceberg where what you see on the surface is but a fraction of its depth.

To unlock its full potential, you need to give it the right prompts. You wouldn’t give vague directions to your team and expect groundbreaking campaigns, right? Similarly, with ChatGPT, the clearer and more strategic your prompts, the richer and more tailored the outputs.

And let’s not forget, we’re standing at the frontier of AI in marketing. The landscape is ripe with uncharted territories, waiting for the bold and the imaginative to stake their claim. ChatGPT is more than a writing assistant; it’s a brainstorming companion, a strategy consultant, and sometimes, the spark that ignites a wildfire of creativity across all facets of marketing. So, mastering ChatGPT prompts isn’t just useful; it’s your ticket to the next marketing revolution.


Crafting the Perfect ChatGPT Prompt: An Art and Science

Now, how do you write prompts that get you the gold? It’s not rocket science, but it does require a bit of thought. First off, be specific. ChatGPT is smart, but it’s not a mind reader. The more precise you are with your request, the closer the output will match your vision.

Next, don’t skimp on the details. If you want ChatGPT to align with your brand’s voice or target a specific audience, say so. Treat it like a new team member who’s eager to learn but needs all the background info they can get.

And don’t forget, interaction is key. If the first response isn’t spot-on, use it as a stepping stone. Follow up, refine your prompts, and guide ChatGPT to the destination. Think of it as a dialogue rather than a one-off command; with each interaction, you’re steering closer to the mark.

In essence, effective prompts are your bridge to unlocking ChatGPT’s potential. With a bit of practice and a dash of creativity, you’ll be crafting prompts that hit the sweet spot, making ChatGPT an indispensable ally in your marketing endeavors.

chatgpt prompts for social media

ChatGPT Prompts for Social Media

Alright, now that we’ve covered the art of crafting your own ChatGPT prompts, let’s dive into some real-life examples. With the right prompts, ChatGPT can become an invaluable asset for your social media strategy, turning ordinary content into engaging conversations and share-worthy posts that resonate with your audience. Get ready to explore how this AI powerhouse can elevate your social media game to new heights.

Let’s look at some creative ChatGPT prompts for social media. 


Because LMR Digital works with mental & behavioral healthcare companies, we are going to use examples that are relevant to therapists, psychiatrists, etc. But these ChatGPT prompts can be used for ANY business! 


Using ChatGPT To Brainstorm Strategy 

Here are a few prompts and ways we can use ChatGPT to help us brainstorm a strategy. And I want to point out that I didn’t say we are using chatGPT to write the strategy – we are going to brianstorm together. Think of ChatGPT as your work bestie.

So, let’s get to it. If you want to brainstorm ideas to use social media in your given industry to increase brand awareness, try this ChatGPT Prompt:

ChatGPT Prompt: How can I, as a therapy practice owner specializing in Eating Disorders, use Instagram to increase brand awareness?

Notice the specifics that we gave about the practice, its specialties, the platform we want to use, and the objective! 

Here’s what our bestie, ChatGPT, said when we asked her what to do:

chatgpt prompt for social media - how can i leverage social media for brand awareness


Here’s where the conversation with ChatGPT really starts. 

ChatGPT’s response is just a jumping off point! Check out what happens below when we respond to and follow up with ChatGPT’s initial output. 

Below you can see we follow up with more requests and get TONS of ChatGPT generated content ideas! I bet you can picture what would happen if continue the conversation. 

chatgpt follow up prompt
chatgpt social media ideas for therapists
chatgpt instagram content ideas

ChatGPT Prompts for Reels

Reels (and TikTok videos if you are younger than a millenial) are crucial social media content these days. But sometimes you just need a little help putting together the idea. Grab your work bestie and let’s get to work! 

This series of ChatGPT prompts is going to help us build out an entire reel start to finish. 

Let’s start with another prompt for our Eating Disorder Specialty Therapy Practice. Again, we are going to be specific with ChatGPT about what we want. 

Here’s the ChatGPT Prompt for the Reel we want to create: At my Eating Disorder Therapy Practice, we want to do a behind the scenes where we introduce team members in Instagram Reels. Give me 10 reel ideas with various ways we can showcase each team member (each video will have only one team member).

chatgpt prompt for reels

Using ChatGPT Prompts for Voiceovers

I love the ideas above! So I picked my favorite and asked ChatGPT to generate some voiceover ideas. This prompt is specific enough for our example but if I was using this IRL, I would also include more about the brand’s personality, style and voice to get more relevant ideas.

ChatGPT Prompt for Voiceovers: give me 5 samples of voiceover scripts for the “behind the desk” videos. Reels should be under one minute long

chatgpt prompt for social media voiceovers

More ChatGPT Prompts for Social Media

Ok, here we go, here are another 25 samples to use! Just don’t forget to personalize them so you don’t get cookie-cutter outputs!


  • “Generate a catchy caption for our new product launch post on Instagram.”
  • “Create a series of tweets highlighting the key benefits of our services.”
  • “Suggest engaging questions we can ask our followers on Facebook to increase interaction.”
  • “Draft a LinkedIn post announcing our company’s latest achievement or milestone.”
  • “Provide ideas for a weekly Instagram Story series that aligns with our brand values.”
  • “Write a brief script for a TikTok video that showcases our company culture.”
  • “Develop a list of hashtags relevant to our industry for increasing our Instagram post visibility.”
  • “Compose a response template for addressing customer inquiries on social media.”
  • “Suggest themes for a monthly Instagram photo challenge related to our products.”
  • “Create a Pinterest board description that reflects our brand’s aesthetic and mission.”
  • “Draft an informative yet engaging post explaining a complex aspect of our product.”
  • “Generate ideas for a collaborative social media campaign with a complementary brand.”
  • “Write a thank you message for our followers to celebrate a social media milestone.”
  • “Suggest a series of Instagram Reels that demonstrate the versatility of our product.”
  • “Create a narrative for a series of Facebook posts telling the story of our brand’s journey.”
  • “Draft a LinkedIn article discussing industry trends and how our company is addressing them.”
  • “Provide a list of topics for a Twitter thread that educates followers about our field.”
  • “Suggest creative ways to showcase customer testimonials on Instagram Stories.”
  • “Generate a social media poll idea to gauge our audience’s preferences or opinions.”
  • “Write an engaging teaser post for an upcoming event or webinar we’re hosting.”
  • “Develop a content calendar theme for the upcoming month focusing on sustainability practices in our industry.”
  • “Suggest interactive Instagram Story features (e.g., quizzes, sliders) to engage followers in our product launch.”
  • “Create a social media campaign proposal for Earth Day, highlighting our eco-friendly initiatives.”
  • “Draft a series of motivational Monday posts that align with our brand’s mission and inspire our audience.”
  • “Provide a concept for a behind-the-scenes video series that showcases how our products are made.”
  • “Generate a series of engaging questions we can post weekly to increase audience interaction on our Facebook page.”
  • “Create a catchy Instagram caption for our upcoming product launch, emphasizing its innovative features.”
  • “Draft an informative yet concise LinkedIn post about our latest sustainability initiatives.”
  • “Suggest a fun and interactive Twitter poll related to our industry trends to boost engagement.”
  • “Write a heartfelt thank you message to our followers for reaching a new milestone on Instagram.”
  • “Develop a series of educational TikTok video scripts explaining our services in simple terms.”
  • “Compose a series of Instagram stories highlighting customer testimonials and positive reviews.”
  • “Craft a motivational Monday post for LinkedIn that reflects our company values and inspires professionals.”
  • “Generate a list of Instagram story quiz questions related to our products to increase audience interaction.”
  • “Create a Twitter thread explaining a complex aspect of our industry in an easy-to-understand way.”
  • “Draft an Instagram caption for a behind-the-scenes look at our team’s day-to-day operations.”
  • “Suggest creative themes for our next Instagram photo challenge to engage our community.”
  • “Write a Facebook post announcing a new partnership and how it benefits our customers.”
  • “Generate engaging content for a series of Instagram reels showcasing the unique features of our product.”
  • “Compose a LinkedIn article discussing the future of our industry and our company’s role in shaping it.”
  • “Create a series of tweets highlighting fun facts about our company and its history.”
  • “Draft a Facebook post inviting followers to share their experiences with our products using a specific hashtag.”
  • “Suggest a series of Instagram story highlights categories that best showcase our brand’s offerings.”
chatgpt prompts for seo

ChatGPT Prompts for SEO

For businesses and marketers aiming to enhance their online visibility, leveraging ChatGPT for SEO can be a game-changer. By crafting detailed and descriptive prompts, you can guide ChatGPT to generate content that not only resonates with your audience but also aligns with search engine algorithms, boosting your website’s ranking. 

 Our Favorite ChatGPT Prompt for SEO

Whether it’s generating keyword-rich articles, creating compelling meta descriptions, or brainstorming blog post ideas that match search intent, the right prompts can unlock ChatGPT’s potential to support your SEO strategy.

Scroll down for 50 prompts to help you utilize ChatGPT for various SEO tasks. 

But First, we are showing your our favorite ChatGPT Prompt for SEO IRL!

Ok, this one is really helpful. Meta Descriptions are so important and the way you write them is key. But it’s a task that is pretty formulaic and ChatGPT can be of big help. 

Here’s the ChatGPT Prompt: Draft a compelling meta description for our [product/service] page that includes [specific keywords].

We are going to use this version of the ChatGPT Prompt for our clients: Draft a compelling and SEO-friendly meta description for our “Adolescent Therapy” service page that includes “therapy for teens in NYC” as our target keyword. 

chatgpt prompt for seo

50 ChatGPT Prompts for SEO

Ok, here we go, here are another 50 samples to use! Just don’t forget to personalize them so you don’t get cookie-cutter outputs!


  • “Generate a list of long-tail keywords related to [topic] for an upcoming blog post.”
  • “Create an SEO-friendly title for a blog post about [topic] that includes the primary keyword.”
  • “Draft a compelling meta description for our [product/service] page that includes [specific keywords].”
  • “Suggest blog post topics that address common questions about [industry/niche].”
  • “Write an introduction for an article about [topic] that incorporates the keywords [list of keywords].”
  • “Develop an outline for a comprehensive guide on [topic], including H2 and H3 headings with relevant keywords.”
  • “Compose a list of SEO-optimized questions and answers for an FAQ page about [product/service].”
  • “Generate a catchy, keyword-rich tagline for our homepage that reflects our brand’s [value proposition].”
  • “Create a series of alt text descriptions for images on our [specific webpage] that include target keywords.”
  • “Draft an SEO-optimized product description for [product name] that highlights its features and benefits.”
  • “Suggest internal linking opportunities within our existing content to improve site structure around [topic].”
  • “Write a guest post pitch for a [industry] blog that includes a topic proposal with potential keywords.”
  • “Develop a content refresh plan for our top-performing blog post, including new sections and keywords.”
  • “Compose a series of engaging social media posts that drive traffic to our [specific SEO-optimized webpage].”
  • “Generate a keyword-optimized script for a YouTube video about [topic].”
  • “Create a list of potential backlink opportunities by identifying authoritative sites in our niche.”
  • “Draft an email outreach template for link-building, proposing a valuable content exchange with [target website].”
  • “Suggest improvements for the readability and SEO of an existing piece of content on our website.”
  • “Develop a plan for a content series that targets a specific keyword cluster related to [topic].”
  • “Write a summary of an industry report, including key data points and relevant keywords for SEO.”
  • “Generate a list of synonyms and related keywords for [primary keyword] to use in content variations.”
  • “Create a compelling call-to-action for the end of a blog post about [topic] that encourages engagement.”
  • “Suggest a strategy for optimizing our local SEO through content tailored to [specific location or region].”
  • “Draft a press release about our new product launch that’s optimized for search engines.”
  • “Compose a series of questions to include in a survey that will generate user-generated content with SEO value.”
  • “Generate a list of topics for an email newsletter series that complements our SEO content strategy.”
  • “Develop a content calendar for our blog that focuses on seasonal keywords related to [industry].”
  • “Write a detailed comparison article between our product and a competitor’s, using targeted keywords.”
  • “Suggest a series of how-to guides relevant to our audience that can be optimized for specific keywords.”
  • “Create a resource list post about [topic] that includes outbound links to authoritative sources.”
  • “Draft a response to a common customer question that can be used both for SEO and customer support.”
  • “Generate an SEO strategy for repurposing our top-performing content into different formats.”
  • “Suggest headline variations for A/B testing on our landing pages that include target keywords.”
  • “Develop a keyword-optimized content brief for a freelance writer on the topic of [specific subject].”
  • “Compose an analysis of a trending topic in our industry, including relevant keywords and insights.”
  • “Create a series of testimonials and case studies that include relevant keywords for our services.”
  • “Suggest a strategy for using influencer content to boost our site’s SEO around [specific campaign or product].”
  • “Draft a tutorial post that explains how to use our product, optimized for ‘how to’ keywords.”
  • “Generate ideas for an infographic that visualizes data related to [topic], including potential keywords.”
  • “Write a listicle about the top trends in [industry] for the current year, including forecasted keywords.”
  • “Suggest optimizations for our site’s category pages to improve user experience and SEO.”
  • “Develop a strategy for incorporating user reviews into our product pages for SEO benefits.”
  • “Compose a series of blog posts targeting the ‘People also ask’ questions for [specific keyword].”
  • “Create an SEO-optimized script for a podcast episode about [topic].”
  • “Suggest engaging, keyword-rich updates for our Google My Business listing.”
  • “Draft a compelling LinkedIn article that drives traffic to our SEO-optimized landing page.”
  • “Generate a list of actionable tips for improving website speed and mobile optimization for SEO.”
  • “Write an in-depth analysis of a recent industry development, including potential impact and relevant keywords.”
  • “Suggest a series of SEO-friendly titles for webinars that align with our content marketing strategy.”
  • “Develop a guide for beginners about [topic], ensuring it’s structured for SEO with clear, accessible language.”



Wrapping It Up: ChatGPT Prompts for Marketing. What’s Next? 

And just like that, we’re at the finish line of our ChatGPT prompts marathon for marketing. It’s been a wild ride, hasn’t it? We’ve dissected, analyzed, and put those prompts through the wringer, all in the name of making your marketing efforts a tad less mundane and a whole lot more effective. If you’ve been playing along, you’ve now got a toolkit that’s bursting at the seams with prompt-crafting prowess—ready to take the digital world by storm.

But hold on, we’re not wrapping up just yet. While we’ve been focusing on ChatGPT prompts for marketing, there’s a whole other domain awaiting our attention: Google Ads. Our next step is to take what we’ve learned here and apply it to the nuanced world of Google Ads. Stay tuned for that deep dive. It’s going to be enlightening, to say the least.

Stay tuned, because our next chapter (ChatGPT Prompts for Google Ads) promises to blend the art of prompt perfection with the science of click-worthy ads. It’s going to be insightful, slightly irreverent, and absolutely indispensable. Until then, keep those prompts coming and your marketing game strong. Cheers to the many successes that await on the other side of a well-crafted prompt!

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