google ads for therapists and mental health companies

Introduction to the Dos & Don’ts of Google Ads for Therapists & Mental Health Practices

Digital Marketing’s Role in Mental Health Services

In today’s fast-paced world, maintaining mental health has become as crucial as physical health, yet the subject often carries a stigma. Digital marketing offers an unprecedented opportunity to bridge this gap, allowing mental health professionals to reach and engage with those in need discreetly and supportively.

Why Google Ads for Mental Health Professionals?

For mental health professionals, Google Ads serves as a vital tool to connect with potential clients. By targeting specific demographics and keywords, therapists can reach individuals seeking help, making it easier for them to offer their services to a broader audience.

Understanding Google Ads Basics

So how can therapists and other mental health practices use Google Ads? First you have to understand what types of Google Ads there are. 

What is Google Ads?

Google Ads is an online advertising platform where advertisers bid to display brief advertisements, service offerings, or product listings to web users. It can place ads both in the results of search engines like Google Search and on non-search websites, mobile apps, and videos.

Types of Ads and Their Uses in Mental Health Marketing

  1. Search Ads: These are text ads shown on Google search results pages. For mental health services, these ads are crucial as they appear when potential clients are actively seeking help.
  2. Display Ads: These visual ads appear on a variety of news sites, blogs, and other websites across the Internet. Display ads can increase awareness by visually engaging people who are reading about mental health topics.
  3. Video Ads: Video ads on platforms like YouTube can be very effective for therapists to discuss general topics related to mental wellness, thus building trust and awareness.

For most of our clients at LMR Digital (a marketing agency for mental and behavioral healthcare companies), we utilize search ads. But that doesn’t mean that display and video don’t have a role. It’s crucial to consider which one is best for your audience or in some cases which ones (plural). 


Setting Up Your Google Ads Campaign 

In this section we will explore setting up a google ad for therapists and mental health companies. 

Step-by-Step Guide to Setting Up a Google Ads Account

  1. Create an Account: Begin by signing up for a Google Ads account using a Google email address.
  2. Define Campaign Goals: Choose what you want to achieve with your campaign, such as increasing website visits or receiving more phone calls.
  3. Set Up Billing: Enter your billing and payment information to activate the account.

Choosing the Right Campaign Type

For mental health services, opting for “Search Network” campaigns is most effective. These campaigns target users who are actively searching for mental health support, ensuring that your ads are displayed to those in immediate need.

Importance of Keyword Selection and Ad Copy

  • Keyword Selection:
    • Research Keywords: Use tools like Google Keyword Planner to find keywords that potential clients might use to find mental health services.
    • Use Relevant Keywords: Incorporate keywords such as “anxiety therapy,” “depression counseling,” or “mental health services near me.”
    • Match Types: Utilize different keyword match types (broad, phrase, exact) to optimize your reach and ensure the right users are seeing your ads.
  • Ad Copy Best Practices:
    • Emphasize Empathy and Confidentiality: Your ad copy should convey a sense of understanding, privacy, and confidentiality to make potential clients feel safe.
    • Highlight Qualifications: Include important qualifications and experience to establish trust and credibility.
    • Clear Call to Action: Use direct and clear calls to action, like “Book a Free Consultation” or “Contact Us Today for Support.”
    • Ad Extensions: Use sitelink extensions to direct users to specific pages, like ‘About Us’ or ‘Services,’ and callout extensions to highlight key offerings like “24/7 Support” or “Licensed Therapists.”

By carefully selecting the right keywords and crafting empathetic, clear ad copy, mental health professionals can effectively use Google Ads to connect with individuals who are looking for their services. This approach ensures that the ads are both relevant and sensitive to the needs of potential clients, fostering an environment of trust and professionalism.

the dos and donts of google ads for therapists

Do’s of Google Ads for Therapists & Mental Health Services

Creating Compelling Ad Copy

Creating sensitive and engaging ad copy is crucial when advertising mental health services. The language should resonate with potential clients, offering hope and clear pathways for help. Start by focusing on empathy—acknowledge the difficulties your potential clients might be experiencing and offer your services as a safe and effective solution. Use affirming and supportive language to build trust, such as “Find Your Path to Healing” or “Compassionate Care Tailored to You.”

To craft impactful ad copy, consider the emotional state of your target audience. Avoid aggressive sales pitches; instead, provide information that reassures and educates. Highlight the confidentiality of your services to make potential clients feel secure in reaching out. Include credentials and experience to establish credibility, and always incorporate a clear, inviting call to action, like “Contact Us to Start Your Journey.”

Using the Right Keywords

Keyword research is foundational in targeting the right audience. Utilize tools like Google’s Keyword Planner to discover what potential clients are searching for. Focus on terms that reflect the services you offer, such as “anxiety help,” “therapy for depression,” or “counseling services.” It’s important to also include location-based keywords to attract local clients.

Using the right keywords ensures your ads appear to those most likely to engage with your services. Experiment with different keyword match types to balance reach and relevance. Regularly update your keywords based on performance data and emerging trends in mental health discussions.

Utilizing Landing Pages

Effective landing pages are critical for converting ad clicks into client engagements. Each landing page should be relevant to the ad copy that directs users there. The page should offer specific information about the services advertised, including what clients can expect during their therapy sessions, credentials of the therapists, and testimonials if available.

Design these pages to be welcoming and informative, with easy navigation and quick access to contact forms. Use calming colors and images to set a soothing tone. Ensure that action steps such as filling out a contact form or making a phone call are easy and straightforward.

Monitoring and Adjusting Bids

Managing your bids effectively ensures that your campaigns are competitive without overspending. Start by setting a realistic budget based on your target cost-per-acquisition. Monitor your campaigns closely to see which keywords and ads perform best and adjust your bids accordingly to maximize ROI.

Consider using automated bidding strategies like Target CPA (Cost Per Acquisition) to allow Google’s AI systems to optimize your bids based on performance data. Regularly review your bidding strategies in light of campaign goals and budget constraints, making adjustments as needed.

Don’ts of Google Ads for Mental Health Services

Avoiding Sensitive Language

It’s crucial to choose words carefully to avoid exacerbating the conditions of potential clients. Steer clear of language that could be perceived as judgmental or stigmatizing. Terms like “crazy,” “unstable,” or “suffering from” should be avoided. Instead, use phrases that are empowering and non-judgmental, such as “living with” or “managing.”

Neglecting Privacy Concerns

Respecting privacy is paramount in the mental health field. Ensure that your advertising strategies do not make potential clients feel like their privacy could be compromised. This includes careful consideration of how you use retargeting and personal data. Always prioritize consent and transparency in your ad campaigns.

Ignoring Ad Placement

Select appropriate websites and platforms for ad placement to avoid unethical associations. It’s important to place ads in contexts that are respectful and relevant to mental health. Avoid platforms that could potentially cause harm or where ads might be misinterpreted.

Overlooking Ad Extensions

Ad extensions are a powerful tool to provide additional information without cluttering the main ad copy. Utilizing callout extensions can highlight important attributes like “confidential consultations” or “licensed therapists.” Location extensions help people find your clinic easily. Ignoring these tools can result in missed opportunities to convey important details about your services.

google ad ethical considerations for therapists

Ethical Considerations and Compliance

Ethical Considerations in Advertising

Advertising mental health services requires a deep sense of ethical responsibility. The content should always be honest and not misleading. It should prioritize the well-being of potential clients over commercial interests. It is important to regularly review advertising materials to ensure they meet ethical standards and do not inadvertently cause harm.

HIPAA Compliance and Legal Requirements

When advertising health services online, compliance with HIPAA and other relevant laws is critical. This includes ensuring that any personal information gathered through your campaigns is handled securely and in compliance with privacy laws. Be aware of how data from potential clients is collected, stored, and used, and ensure that your practices comply with legal requirements.

Measuring and Optimizing Campaign Performance

Measuring Success

To measure the effectiveness of your Google Ads campaigns, focus on metrics such as click-through rates, conversion rates, and cost-per-acquisition. Use Google Analytics to track how users interact with your website after clicking on your ads. This data will help you understand what’s working and what’s not.

It’s also important to understand which metrics matter most. In most cases, the only metric that really matters is the cost-per-acquisition.

Optimizing Campaigns

Regularly analyze your campaign performance to identify opportunities for optimization. This could involve refining your ad copy, adjusting your bidding strategy, or redesigning your landing pages. A/B testing different elements of your campaigns can provide valuable insights into what resonates best with your target audience.

Conclusion – Dos & Don’ts of Google Ads for Therapists & Mental Health Services

Let’s recap what we’ve learned about Google Ads for therapists. 

We’ve covered essential do’s and don’ts for using Google Ads in the mental health services sector, focusing on creating sensitive and effective marketing campaigns. Key points include the importance of ethical considerations, the proper use of language, and the technical aspects of running successful ads.

Still need help with your Google Ads? 

If you require further assistance in setting up and managing Google Ads campaigns for mental health services, do not hesitate to contact our team at LMR Digital. We are dedicated to helping you navigate the complexities of online advertising with professionalism and sensitivity. Reach out today to enhance your digital marketing efforts and extend your reach to those in need.

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  • Applied Behavior Analysis Companies
  • Group Therapy Practices
  • Rehab Centers
  • Telehealth Companies
  • EHR and other Saas Companies
  • Speech Therapy Practices
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